Spiritual Inspirations from Snow | World Snow Day
January 20th is World Snow Day. Hence today, let’s take some wonderful spiritual inspirations from snow!
Experiencing Coolness!
Snow is very cold… Hence, let’s also become very cool from within!
Snow requires minus temperature… But to experience coolness, just need to create a thought “I’m a Peaceful Soul“!
Snow is common in polar regions & high-altitude mountains… Hence, to remain ever-cool, let’s remain near the Ocean of Coolness God above!
An idol of coolness!
Many love building snowmen ⛄ in the snow… Similarly, let’s become an idol of coolness!
Snowy land looks very beautiful… Hence, let’s inculcate the inner beauty of virtues within!
We need warm clothes & heaters to protect from ill-effects of snow… While the virtue of coolness has only benefits & benefits!
Best Practices
Snow is pure white… Hence to maintain our coolness throughout the day, let’s maintain purity in our thoughts!
Snow finishes issues related to too much heat… Similarly, coolness helps finish the fire of anger!
Serving all!
Snowfall is accompanied by a cold breeze… Hence, becoming cool from within, automatically makes us share this coolness with all!
Angels are also white like snow… Hence, let’s become those divine cool angels who soothe the hearts of all!
Conclusion (World Snow Day)
Hence today, let’s become an idol of coolness, through the awareness of being a peaceful soul & connecting to the Ocean of Coolness God… Then, let’s also become those divine angels who share this coolness with all, thereby become instrumental in bringing the ever-cool land Satyuga once again!
Om Shanti!
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