The True Knowledge of Soul (Our Accurate Identity)
You may wish to watch ‘Who am I‘, a wonderful 40-minute film (in many languages), explaining everything below in a very rich & beautiful manner!
All of us want to experience peace, love & joy! (i.e., soul-consciousness)
But in order to stabilise in soul-consciousness, we first need to have full knowledge of the soul.
What does soul mean?
Hence, let’s consider a very simple example.
Suppose a friend’s coming to meet you after long, & is approaching from a distance. Now, there’re 2 aspects coming towards you:
- Physical aspect… Including the body, clothes, perfume, looks, hairstyle, etc
- Non-physical aspect… Including thoughts, feelings, attitudes, perceptions, memories, beliefs, experiences, virtues, habits, personality, etc
Now, which aspect do we have a relation with?… Indeed, even if his body may have become disfigured or disabled, we’ll welcome him with genuine love & respect… This proves our relation is actually with the non-physical aspects of thoughts, feelings, experiences & memories.
Hence, in very simple terms, the soul just means a collection of all these non-physical aspects of an individual!
The soul is also called being, consciousness, energy, spirit, atma, ruh, etc. The word is not important, it’s the awareness that I’m the energy using this body, which is important.
Hence, the term soul is not to be associated with ghosts or magic, but it’s our original true non-physical identity!
Soul = Mind + Intellect + Sanskars

There’re 3 main aspects / faculties of the soul:
- Mind… Which creates thoughts
- Intellect… Which understands judges & decides, classifies & memorises, and visualises
- Sanskars (or impressions)… Which means our habits or personality traits

God reveals the 7 original sanskars / virtues of the soul are knowledge, purity, peace, love, happiness, bliss & power. The proof is that although we experience stress anger etc often today (because our battery is discharged), it’s always the experience of these original virtues that comfort & attract us. Just like we feel thirsty because the body’s made up of water, similarly we like these virtues since they’re our originality, it’s what we’re made up of!
These faculties of Mind, Intellect & Sanskars work in the form of a cycle. The mind creates few thoughts, the intellect then decides between them, and we come into action which forms an impression (sanskar) on the soul. These sanskars then form the basis of the further thoughts we create in the mind, and so on.
Location of the soul
Our main non-physical faculty is thoughts. Hence to understand the location of soul, we just need to pause for a moment, and try to feel where our thoughts are being created. We’ll realise they’re going on somewhere in the brain (rather than in the knee or elbow, say). Hence, the exact location of the soul is:
- In the centre of the forehead, just behind & between the eyebrows
- Between the hypothalamus & pituitary glands
- If we draw a vertical line from the top of the head, and a horizontal line from between the eyebrows, their point of intersection is the seat of the soul
- Hence, if we go 3 inches below the top of the head, and 2.5 inches behind the eyebrows, that’s where the soul is!
Scientific Proof of existence of the soul
- The vast number of out-of-body experiences and near-death experiences reported by many, proves our existence being separate from the body
- The scientific technique of past life regression, which is a healing technique for healing deep pain. It works by taking patients’ memories in past births. This again proves we existed even before this body
- There’s no other explanation why some children are extremely adept at some skills (e.g., playing certain musical instruments) right from a very young age, despite having no such family background
- There’s no other difference between a dead body & living body. This also shows the power of soul, whose mere existence keeps the entire body systems working
Form, Abode & Role
- Energy actually has no form, but for visualising we can consider the soul as a tiny point of light in the centre of the forehead
- Further, our original home is the soul world (a land of golden red light, surrounded by peace all around), above & beyond the physical world
- We souls are actors, having come down & taken this physical costume to play our part in the world drama
When someone asks our identity, we usually mention our different roles i.e., designation position or relation. However, if asked a few years ago, we would have given a different answer (since roles keep changing). But in reality, our identity can never change, being permanent in nature i.e., we’re an eternal soul, originally full of peace, love & joy!
Practising soul-consciousness & it’s benefits
Hence, having got this knowledge, let’s remain in the awareness of our true identity & original virtues throughout the day:
- In activities; remain in the awareness I’m seeing through the eyes, hearing through the ears, working through the hands & body… I’m the energy which thinks, feels & decides
- In interactions, remember others are also pure souls, situated in the centre of the forehead, working through the body, etc
- In silence (meditation), create thoughts like:
- I’m a soul not the body, this body is different I’m different, I’m a tiny point of light situated in the centre of the forehead
- I’m a pure soul, peace is my original nature, I’m originally full of love, I’m a happy being, originally blissful & powerful
- I’m the actor this body is costume, I’m diamond the body is velvet box, I’m driver body is car, etc
- Just like we’re fully aware that the shirt / dress we’re wearing is different from us, similarly is the awareness that I, the soul am different from this body!
In essence, soul-consciousness:
- Keep us in the experience of our original virtues of peace & happiness, hence maintains a very light state of mind
- Radiates comforting vibrations to the body, keeping it healthier
- Improves clarity, focus & concentration, hence leading to increased efficiency, creativity & job satisfaction
- Maintains harmonious relationships
- Create a beautiful atmosphere around
Further, if we really wish to make soul-consciousness our way of life, we need to:
- Listen daily to spiritual knowledge, in the form of Murli class (which are God’s direct elevated versions we study at Brahma Kumaris), where God stabilises us in soul-consciousness in different ways
- Indeed, to become a doctor one needs to study from a doctor. Similarly, to become soul-conscious, one needs to study from the 100% soul-conscious being God
All souls in Satyuga were 100% soul-conscious i.e., fully in the experience of the original virtues of peace, love & joy. Hence, this practice of soul-consciousness we’re doing at the present time of end of Kaliyuga is the basis of creating Satyuga again.
Indeed, it’s this true knowledge of the soul (our accurate identity) which is shared in Day 1 of the 7 Day Rajyoga Meditation Course here at Brahma Kumaris!
But, we would always recommend taking this lesson first-hand at the very pure charged atmosphere of the Centre… To actually experience the beauty & depth of soul consciousness in practical life… Best wishes for it indeed!
Om Shanti!
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