Looking at Virtues of all

Looking at Virtues picture

Everyone knows we should look at virtues rather than weaknesses. It’s actually for our benefit, since looking at virtues makes us the 1st to feel good inside. Indeed, if we make it a strong practice of looking at 1 virtue of each soul we come in interaction with, then it very easily keeps our state of mind elevated throughout the day!

Hence, an excellent practice is to make a list of 2-3 specialities of each soul we come in regular contact with (ie family, colleagues, neighbours). Then, keep these specialities in awareness, whenever we interact with them!

This has numerous benefits:

  • Keeps our state of mind very light, and our behaviour & words very sweet
  • Makes our interaction successful ie full of good wishes & blessings
  • Radiates positive vibrations to them, improving our relations
  • Creates a beautiful atmosphere around

Hence today, let’s look at virtues of each soul we interact with. And don’t forget to share your experiences in the comments below!

Examples of Specialities in others:

  • Pure, Innocent, Sweet, Enthusiastic
  • Honest, Sincere, Punctual, Responsible
  • Caring, Supportive, Helpful

Indeed, like a swan always inculcates pearls, let’s become a spiritual holy swan who sees only virtues!

Good luck!

Next Post: The Attitude of Gratitude

Previous Post: The Seat of Self Respect

The Seat of Self Respect

The Seat of Self Respect pictureWe hear the words self respect, self confidence, etc often these days.

Note these all start with the word self, hence their experience depends on our definition of self. Thus, if our definition of self respect is based on temporary aspects (like looks, position, etc), it’ll keep fluctuating. Instead, basing it on permanent eternal truths keeps it very strong & stable.


  • I’m unique with many specialities, none can perform my role better than me
  • I am God’s child, all His virtues & powers belong to me
  • I’m a victorious jewel, success is my birthright
  • I’m originally a very pure, divine, peaceful, loving, happy & powerful soul
  • I’m God’s angel, sharing happiness with all
  • I’m the hero actor of this world drama

Hence, let’s select one of these self respect points, and keep it in awareness for the next hour. We could even continue this practice throughout the day, or take different self respect points for each hour. And don’t forget to share your experiences (or queries) in the comments below!

Benefits of Self Respect

  • When in self-respect, we automatically give respect to others, see their virtues, encourage them forward, etc
  • We remain protected from negative influence
  • Our confidence & efficiency at work automatically increases
  • etc

Hence, best wishes for the next hour!

Next Post: Looking at Virtues of all

Previous Post: Benefits of Positive Thinking

The Virtue of Giving | Speech on World Blood Donation Day

The Virtue of Giving | Speech on World Blood Donation Day

14th June is World Blood Donor Day. By donations, we usually think about donating physical things like food, clothes, wealth, blood, organs, etc. This is very important no doubt, but it’s just one aspect of giving.

There’s also a more subtle level of donations, which is the donation of knowledge, virtues & powers.

Continue reading “The Virtue of Giving | Speech on World Blood Donation Day”