The Virtue of Giving | Speech on World Blood Donation Day
14th June is World Blood Donor Day. By donations, we usually think about donating physical things like food, clothes, wealth, blood, organs, etc. This is very important no doubt, but it’s just one aspect of giving.
There’s also a more subtle level of donations, which is the donation of knowledge, virtues & powers.
The most wonderful aspect of this subtle donation is the more we donate, the more it increases within us. Hence, sharing knowledge makes our understanding more refined, speaking sweet makes us the first to feel good inside, etc. And this is one wealth which each & every one of us can donate. And since it’s this wealth of virtues which is in most scarcity in today’s times, by giving these, we are doing the most elevated service to everyone around us.
This underlies the fact that life is all about giving, sharing & co-operating. Like when water is flowing as a river, it keeps nurturing all the plants in it’s way. However, when the same water gets locked in one place, it becomes stagnant & dirty. Similarly, life is all about continuing to give, that’s where our beauty & true growth lies
Every aspect of nature e.g., the sun, trees, water, earth, etc always gives. All saints, great souls & esteemed personalities have the virtue of giving. The deity in a temple is always shown giving blessings. Devta means dene wala i.e., the one who gives. God is also the eternal Bestower, the One who unconditionally gives love, blessings & sustenance to all. Hence, we have numerous examples of the virtue of giving in front of us.
When we benefit others with a true heart, it builds our stock of good karma & earns us lots of blessings. Hence, when we encourage or help others to progress, it actually boosts our progress multifold and we end up reaching much higher than we had ever aimed alone. Hence today, let’s aim to give at our homes & workplaces. Let’s share some of our skills & talents, give appreciation & positive feedback & good wishes, and keep giving love trust & respect in all our actions & interactions.
Indeed, this is the purpose of our life. All of us have the original divine qualities of purity, peace, love & happiness within us. However, only when we use & express them, do we experience them. And the more we express, the more we experience, surrounding our life with goodness all around!
Going a step further, let’s connect directly to God to fill ourselves with His divine qualities of Purity, Peace, Love & Joy. Keep taking from God and giving to all. By continuously taking from the Unlimited Source God, we constantly remain full. And the more we keep giving to others, the more these treasures keep increasing within us. Hence, this is the most elevated approach of keeping ourselves and everyone around full of these divine qualities, making each day of our life a festival, a celebration, the way our life was meant to be!
Conclusion (Speech on World Blood Donation Day)
And indeed, when each one of us start becoming the embodiment of the virtue of giving, all of us will become deities, making the world outside into Heaven once again!
Om Shanti!
You might also like to read further on the virtues of peace, happiness, gratitude, contentment, purity, innocence, smiling face, cheerfulness, sweetness, positivity, self respect, giving, appreciation, looking at virtues, co-operation, having good wishes, forgiveness, mercy & non-violence!
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Let’s also take some spiritual inspirations from water ?, earth ?, trees ?, oceans ?, sun ?, fire ?, wind ☄️, rain ☔, snow ⛄, liquids ? & gases ?
Let’s also take some wonderful spiritual inspirations from monkeys?, elephants ?, lions ?, tigers ?, giraffes ?, cows ?, sheep ?, turtles ?, birds ?, honeybees ?, pests ?, mosquitoes ?!
Let’s also take some spiritual inspirations from doctors?⚕️, CAs ??, judges ?⚖️, actuaries ?⚖️, press ?, nurses ??,, firefighters ?? & labour ?!
Food & Youth
Let’s also take some spiritual inspirations from milk ?, chocolate ?, ice-cream ?? & sweets ?!
Let’s also take some spiritual inspirations from selfies ?, sunglasses ?️, music ?, dance ?, sports ?, cricket ? , football,⚽, bicycles ? & skateboarding ?!
Let’s take spiritual inspirations from Diwali Diyas ?, Rangoli, Lanterns ?, Fireworks ?, Sweets ?, Snacks ? & Gifts ?!
Let’s take spiritual inspirations from measurements ?, museums, telecommunications ?, organs ?, blood & hands ✋?!
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Lovely, Viral! Absolutely wonderful ?