Is Happiness in the Past or Future? | Remembering happy days
Is Happiness in the Past?
Many try to experience happiness, by remembering pleasant memories of the past. While this might feel good short-term, thinking of the past actually drains our energy, hence also our happiness long-term!
Is Happiness in the Future?
Many experience happiness by anticipating favourable events in the future. But this subtly builds a condition into the mind, that “I’ll be happy, only if this happens’. Hence, we actually experience more sorrow if the situation turns out differently!
Planning for the future is definitely important no doubt, but it focuses on what we need to do… While a dependency means how the situation should be for me to feel happy, and situations are not in our control!
Conclusion (Remembering happy days)
Hence rather than trying to find happiness in the past or future… Let’s focus on making the present very beautiful, hence automatically making both our present & future also full of happiness!
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As part of our series on ‘How to be happy always‘