6 Thoughts on Going Beyond Hurt | How to overcome Hurt feelings
The process!
- Someone says something to us
- in response, we create thoughts like:
- “How could they say this to me?”
- “Am I like this?”
- “They always say like this to me”
- etc
- These thoughts create the feeling of hurt… And this hurt takes away our happiness!
How to overcome Hurt feelings
Hence, let’s overcome hurt! … By remembering:
- The main realization “Others can say what they want, but hurt is my creation”… Indeed no one can get inside me, I’m the Creator of my thoughts & feelings
- They said to me once, but how many times did I tell the same to myself within?
- If someone’s wrong words can hurt us, why can’t we remember someone’s good words at that time to uplift ourselves?
- We all know some people around, who keep getting hurt for no apparent reason… This again proves hurt is our own internal creation
- By remaining hurt, we’re actually reducing our efficiency at work, harmony in other relations, etc
- Compassion (i.e., the understanding, that the other person is in more pain) instantly finishes hurt!… Going beyond expectations also finishes hurt
Conclusion (How to overcome Hurt feelings)
Hence let’s overcome hurt… To remain happy always & keep sharing happiness with all!
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As part of our series on ‘How to be happy always‘
Excellent article. Short and succintly put.
Wonderful Article with fabulous image. Thanks Sweet Brother.