Experiencing God as Supreme Teacher | Happy Teachers Day Wishes quotes
5th September is Teachers’ Day in India. Hence today, alongwith remembering our school teachers who’ve been instrumental in helping us progress so much in life, let’s also remember God, the Supreme Teacher!
His divine teachings!
God being the Ocean of Knowledge, is the Supreme Teacher. And like any great teacher, His teachings are very simple, clear, essenceful, powerful & practical.
Who am I!
The 1st point He shares is the answer to ‘Who am I’. God says you’re a soul, originally full of divinity, purity, peace, love, happiness & inner powers. The traits of negativity are not yours, these are just acquired sanskars like dirt on a white cloth which’ll get washed away. Hence, this daily reminder & awareness of being a divine soul automatically emerges the experience of these original virtues within us, which then starts flowing in all our roles, actions & interactions making them also very beautiful!
God’s Accurate Introduction
The 2nd point He shares is His accurate introduction. God says like you’re a soul point of light, so am I. The only difference is you’re an embodiment of peace, love etc & I’m the Ocean of these qualities. Hence, when we consider ourselves a soul and remember & visualise God with this awareness, we automatically get connected to Him i.e., start experiencing a very powerful current of pure, peaceful, loving energy from Him, which helps dissolve acquired traits & emerges the divine virtues within. The power received helps us easily maintain this elevated state of mind throughout, in spite of external situations people & body condition. This is meditation & it’s practical benefit in life!
The cycle of time!
The 3rd point He shares is regarding the cycle of time. All of us know it’s Kaliyuga, as is evident from the quality of life today on personal, social, global & environmental grounds. God shares the good news that this time of sorrow won’t continue forever, but after the dark night of Kaliyuga is going to come the new morning of Satyuga, a time of complete divinity purity peace & prosperity, health wealth & happiness. And God says you’re responsible for bringing this Satyuga into the world, by transforming yourself from ordinary humans to divine deities, by once again becoming 100% pure using the power of spiritual knowledge & meditation. When we change, the world changes!
The drama / play of life!
The 4th point He shares is regarding the drama / play of life. We souls are actors, this body is our costume, through which we play different roles on this stage of the world drama. All actors are playing their accurate roles, and the scenes coming in front of us are accurate too, being simply a return of our past karma. This awareness helps us gracefully accept all challenges coming in life, allowing us to keep progressing fast ahead!
Becoming His Godly student!
Hence, when we realize the fact that God has come & is directly sharing His teachings with us, we become His Godly students. And it’s said that student life is the best life, with the best part of this spiritual study being that we don’t need to leave anything, God just asks us to devote 30-45 minutes daily for the self, for listening to His direct spiritual knowledge & meditation, with the rest time for routine life as before. And this powerful foundation of spiritual knowledge & meditation transforms our entire day, making it very rich & fulfilling!
And when we start inculcating God’s teachings, we too become spiritual teachers. Not just those who speak knowledge, but those who inculcate these teachings in life, thereby becoming a practical example / inspiration for all with their elevated character & state of mind, hence creating a wave of transformation. In this way, when a certain proportion of the world transforms itself, this will be the tipping point leading to world transformation.
Conclusion (Happy Teachers Day Wishes quotes)
Hence, let’s start studying daily from God & remain connected to Him, hence contributing to His divine task of creating Satyuga again!
Om Shanti!
Related: Find your nearest Brahma Kumaris Rajyoga Meditation Centre from here!
Meditation Commentary (Happy Teachers Day Wishes quotes)
I’m very very fortunate… To have God as my Supreme Teacher… So loving & caring
He gives me this wonderful awareness “I’m a divine soul”… Full of peace, love & joy… Sharing goodness with all
He’s also a point of light, like me… Ocean of Peace, Love & Joy… His divine vibrations are reaching me… Filling me completely
I was 100% pure & divine in Satyuga… Am now under God’s loving canopy… To once again become 100% pure
I’m the hero actor of this world drama… Playing the most elevated part with God… Illuminating the lives of all… Om Shanti!
Let’s also experience God as the Supreme Friend, Brother, Mother, Father, Teacher, Satguru & Beloved
In this blog, you may also find:
- Very short posts on practical topics in series How to be happy always, Positive Thinking, etc
- Spiritual inspirations from the various International Days
Let’s also understand the spiritual significance of Diwali, Holi, Raksha Bandhan, Mahashivratri, Ganesh Chaturthi, Janmashtami, Navratri, Dussehra, Gudi Padwa, Gita Jayanti, Ram Navami, Hanuman Jayanti… And Guru Purnima, Buddha Purnima, Mahavir Jayanti, Vallabhacharya Jayanti, Jalaram Jayanti
Beautiful write up. With lot of positive & powerful affirmations. Thanks for sharing. Om Shanti.