Wish you a Happy Mahavir Jayanti | Happy Mahavir Jayanti Wishes
It’s Mahavir Jayanti, who was the 24th Tirthankar of Jainism… Hence, today provides an excellent opportunity to take some spiritual inspirations from this great soul.
The word ‘Mahavir’ itself means brave… Hence, let’s bravely face & finish our old sanskars of sorrow, to emerge our divine sanskars of love & happiness once again!
Jainism is very much concerned about not giving sorrow even to small animals & insects… Hence alongwith, let’s also ensure we don’t give sorrow to people around us, since we’re children of God who is called Sukhakarata Dukhaharata (Bestower of Happiness & Liberator of Sorrow)… Indeed, let’s not even take sorrow from others, but instead heal their sorrow (i.e., rather than get hurt due to other’s anger, maintain our power of peace & heal their anger!)
Jainism takes care not to eat tamasik food (like non-veg, onion, garlic, etc)… Similarly, let’s also ensure we don’t give any impure food i.e., information to our sacred mind… Since this information will act as the basis of our thoughts, hence destiny
Saint Mahavir is always shown in a meditative pose… Similarly, let’s practise meditation daily i.e., connect to our true self and to God which fills us with divine virtues & powers, hence making all aspects of our life very easy & natural!
Saint Mahavir is also called Mahavir Swami (Swami means sustainor & protector)… Hence, when we inculcate elevated virtues within, we automatically sustain everyone around us through our elevated vibrations, sweet words & royal behavior!
Jainism gives great regard to saints… Similarly, let’s give full regard to the genuine, honest & saint-like personalities around us!
Jainism gives a lot of importance to renunciation… God explains now that renunciation doesn’t mean leaving the world (which is anyway not possible), but it actually means leaving all the negativities like greed, attachment, etc, while living in this world… Hence, we become like a lotus flower (which grows in mud yet remains above) i.e., living in this world yet protected from any negative influence, thereby positively influencing the world around!
Saint Mahavir (like all other great souls like Jesus Christ, Abraham, Mohammed, Guru Nanak, etc) just came to give the message of love, unity, forgiveness, right way of living, etc… Their aim was not to establish a different religion…. It’s only much later when we started connecting to the teachers (who were different) rather than their teachings (which were fundamentally the same), that we started dividing ourselves in terms of religion… Hence today, let’s become united once again by realizing all of us are souls, children of the same Supreme Father i.e., we are One… This’ll be the best tribute to Saint Mahavir, since this ensures we truly follow his teachings of unity & love, and fulfill the aspirations he had for us
Conclusion (Happy Mahavir Jayanti Wishes)
Hence, by bravely finishing our old sanskars of sorrow & by only putting in pure elevated information… Let’s emerge our original divine virtues of love unity & harmony, and thereby sustain everyone around with the same virtues, hence helping bring the divine land Satyuga once again!
Om Shanti!
Thanks for reading this article on ‘Wish you a Happy Mahavir Jayanti | Happy Mahavir Jayanti Wishes’
Let’s also understand the spiritual significance of Diwali, Holi, Raksha Bandhan, Mahashivratri, Ganesh Chaturthi, Janmashtami, Navratri, Dussehra, Gudi Padwa, Gita Jayanti, Ram Navami, Hanuman Jayanti… And Guru Purnima, Buddha Purnima, Mahavir Jayanti, Vallabhacharya Jayanti, Jalaram Jayanti
In this blog, you may also find:
- Very short posts on practical topics in series How to be happy always, Positive Thinking, etc
- Spiritual inspirations from the various International Days
Very nice article