A beautiful relationship with the child within! | A happy mind for happy life! | Inner Happiness
If there’s someone whom we stay with 24×7, it’s our mind!… Hence, need to have a good relationship with the mind, to remain happy always!
This just means (since the mind is just like a little child!):
- Spending few minutes with it daily… In silence, appreciating it’s work, resolving issues, etc
- Keep checking our thoughts once every few hours, to ensure the mind is happy & not crying in negative emotions!
- Give it the food of pure spiritual knowledge daily… Since elevated information automatically leads to elevated thoughts, hence the feeling of happiness!
- Connect it to it’s dear Supreme Father (i.e., meditation) which fills it with a powerful experience of peace love & joy, hence satisfying it completely!
Conclusion (A happy mind for happy life! | Inner Happiness)
Hence, caring for the mind is the most important tool for remaining happy always… Irrespective of challenges outside (thus actually helping us become victorious over those challenges!)
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Previous Post: Happiness is a choice
As part of our series on ‘How to be happy always’