Spiritual Significance of Shri Krishna | Happy Krishna Janmashtami Wishes
Wish you a very Happy Janmashtami! Hence today, let’s understand the spiritual significance of Shri Krishna!
Shri Krishna, the epitome of perfection!
Shri Krishna is always shown full of all virtues (सर्वगुण सम्पन्न)… Indeed, the title Shri denotes being 100% pure & divine!… Hence, let’s also become the same!
And becoming an embodiment of virtues has numerous benefits… Denoted by numerous stories:
- We become as sweet as honey… Madhusudan
- Our life becomes a celebration every moment!… Murlidhar
- Everyone likes us… How Krishna’s most loved by Gopis!
- We win over vices & weaknesses… Dancing on deadly serpent Kali
- Enhances all our skills & talents… How Krishna is most intelligent!
- Even nature showers us with all attainments… The river Yamuna & serpent royally transporting baby Krishna to Gokul
- Emerges the hidden divinity within souls around… Krishna touching two trees, who transformed to deities!
Krishna is always shown perfect… Hence, we just need to adopt a divine consciousness (i.e., the awareness of being a very pure divine soul)… Then our thoughts, words, actions & roles automatically flow perfectly!
Krishna is shown an ordinary cowherd… Hence, showing that even ordinary souls can become complete, perfect & divine!… By just emerging the beauty within!
The 1st Prince of Satyuga!
He’s called Lord Krishna, & was shown with the whole globe in his mouth … This just means being the Lord i.e., emperor of the world!

The idol of baby krishna has a very playful pose, with butter in one hand and kicking something… Hence, the soul of Krishna leaves (i.e., kicks) the old world Kaliyuga and enters the new world Satyuga (butter)!
Krishna is shown the King of the Golden city of Dwaraka… Since he’s the 1st Prince of Satyuga, where the world is golden & people live in golden palaces!
He’s shown with a peacock feather on his crown, denoting purity… Since the peacock is the only bird who lays eggs with complete purity (i.e., just using the power of thoughts!)… Like in Satyuga!
Krishna is lovingly swinged in a beautifully decorated Hindola… This denotes the time of Satyuga, when there was complete abundance of all resources!
The magic of God’s love!
Many stories actually represent praises of the incorporeal Supreme soul God
Krishna is shown stealing Rukmini… This denotes that when God descends, He steals our hearts through His divine love!
Krishna is shown to have 16108 wives… This just means all of us souls, who consider God as Supreme Beloved… Hence effectively, one bridegroom (God) has numerous brides (souls)!
In the Raas Garba, a separate Krishna is shown with each Gopi…. Hence, everyone can have a close loving relationship with the Supreme, through the mind!
He’s always shown protecting the Gops from monsters… Hence, remaining in the constant company of God, keeps us protected from old sanskars!
Just one touch of Krishna straightened the crooked Kubja… This shows just one of touch of God’s powers in meditation finishes several weaknesses at once!
It’s shown that after Krishna left, all the Pandavas lost their special powers & skills…. Hence, it’s God who’s given us all specialities, hence let’s always credit Him!
God’s divine guidance!
He’s called Murlidhar… Hence God’s direct elevated versions (Murlis) are so melodious, it stabilises us in the experience of peace, love & joy!
It’s shown Krishna shared the Geeta on the battlefield of Kurukshetra… Hence, God shares this most wonderful knowledge, that we have both original virtues & weaknesses within us, & empowers us to make the original victorious!
It’s shown Krishna didn’t take up arms himself in the battlefield… Hence, God’s role is just to give us knowledge (the most accurate, perfect & divine knowledge!) as teacher, then it’s our role to accordingly do the right karma!
It’s shown the Pandavas were victorious because God was by their side… Hence, when we live our life based on God’s Shrimat, we’re victorious at every step!… i.e., in the experience of peace, love & joy always!
It’s shown Krishna warned the Kauravas numerous times, but they didn’t listen…. Hence, God’s direct spiritual knowledge will reach every human soul… Thus, let’s not ignore it, but connect to God & transform ourselves under His elevated Shrimat, thereby become ready for Satyuga again!
The True Meaning of Shri Krishna
God reveals Shri Krishna is the 1st Prince of Satyuga, hence he is full of all virtues, fully charged (16 celestial degrees complete), completely free from vices & violence… Indeed, the whole society was perfect when Shri Krishna was present (since Satyuga is the perfect world)… Hence, these stories are actually a symbolic representation of the divine tasks of God at this auspicious Confluence Age (this time between end of Kaliyuga & start of Satyuga, which is currently going on)… This awareness helps us appreciate the true perfection & divinity of Shri Krishna!
This also shows a clear difference between God (who is Incorporeal, Ocean of all Virtues & Powers, free from the cycle of birth & death, and creator of Satyuga) & Shri Krishna (who comes as the 1st Prince of Satyuga, takes a body hence comes in the cycle of birth & death)
The importance of the present times
His birth is shown at midnight… Because (being the 1st Prince of Satyuga) he’s actually born at the very ending point of Kaliyuga, just before the dawn of Satyuga begins!
He’s called Shyam Sundar (dark & beautiful) & is usually shown darkish in color… This signifies that the same soul who was completely beautiful & pure (fully charged battery in Satyuga), slowly becomes impure (discharged) at end of Kaliyuga, then again gets pure charged in this auspicious Confluence Age (since it’s time now for Satyuga), and this cycle goes on
Krishna is shown leading the villagers to lift the mountain of Govardhan by just one finger of co-operation each… Hence, each of our small contributions in becoming pure, working on ourselves, etc will lift this entire mountain of Kaliyuga, and bring Satyuga once again!
It’s shown Sudama gave just few grains of rice to Krishna, and received golden palaces in return… Hence, we give very little to God on this auspicious Confluence Age, but He fills us with all attainments!
Conclusion (Happy Krishna Janmashtami Wishes)
Hence today, let’s strive to make ourselves 100% pure, divine & perfect like Shri Krishna… Through the power of God’s direct spiritual knowledge, & by filling ourselves with all His virtues & powers… Hence, we’ll automatically keep illuminating the lives of everyone around, & bring the divine land Satyuga once again!
Om Shanti!
Let’s also understand the spiritual significance of Diwali, Holi, Raksha Bandhan, Mahashivratri, Ganesh Chaturthi, Janmashtami, Navratri, Dussehra, Gudi Padwa, Gita Jayanti, Ram Navami, Hanuman Jayanti… And Guru Purnima, Buddha Purnima, Mahavir Jayanti, Vallabhacharya Jayanti, Jalaram Jayanti
Thanks for reading this article on ‘Spiritual Significance of Shri Krishna | Happy Krishna Janmashtami Wishes’
It should be in hindi also.very well described.but some words n lines should be highlighted.most important krishna’s teaching RAJYOG ( actually of Baba’s teaching) should also be described.thanks om shanti