Building Harmonious Relationships | Happy International Day of Families quotes
15th May is International Day of Families… Hence today, let’s understand the secrets to maintaining harmonious relationships!

FAMILY means Father And Mother I Love You… Hence, love (i.e., acceptance) is most important for harmony in relationships
When we resist others, our energy of love flowing towards them gets blocked, for that time… Hence, let’s keep accepting all, which radiates powerful vibrations of love to them, thus empowering their elevated transformation!
Expectations (being the opposite of Acceptance) is the main cause of conflict… Hence, let’s go beyond expectations, by always remembering that:
- When we ourselves can’t meet up to the expectations of others always, how can they?
- We expect on the basis of our sanskars, hence because everyone have different sanskars, they may find it very difficult to follow
Being children of one Supreme Father, all of us are brother souls… Hence, our family is not just restricted to the 5-6 souls we live with at home, but the whole world is our family… Hence, let’s adopt such an unlimited vision & attitude while interacting with everyone, to experience unity & oneness with one & all!
Relations is all about understanding the other’s perspective… Hence, let’s always remember:
- They’re different, not wrong
- Blue goggles make us see blue, while green goggles make us see green… Thus, they see things differently because their filter of sanskars is different, hence it’s not their fault!
Hence, when we understand they’re also right according to their sanskars (i.e., compassion), it becomes very easy to accept them, making respect & trust natural… Hence, all the virtues required for harmony in relationships are closely inter-connected, & each of them start flowing naturally!
We spend many hours at our workplace, hence even our boss, colleagues & staff are like our family… Indeed, any group we visit frequently (including our spiritual group) is like our family!
Hurt is one of the major reasons of disharmony… Hence, let’s go beyond hurt, by always remembering:
- They said what they said, but hurt was our creation
- They said only once, but how many times did I tell the same to myself?
Even though others may be hurt with us,
- Let’s keep constant good wishes for them (i.e., not create even a single negative thought for them)… This constant smooth flow of positive energy from our side also helps heal them
- If possible, ask forgiveness from them… If not physically, at least mentally!
Although we’ve understood the knowledge part above, we also need power to implement… Hence, let’s keep listening to spiritual knowledge & meditate daily, to empower the soul, which automatically makes all relationships beautiful!
Indeed, only when the soul is weak, it gets easily influenced by others’ energies… Leading to irritation, anger, hurt (and the whole list e.g., expectations, control, etc) which spoil relations
Relationship with the Self
The first relationship is with the Self… And when that’s good, all our other relations automatically become very beautiful!
To build any relation, we need to give it time… Similarly, let’s give atleast 15-20 minutes daily to our mind, for silent contemplation & putting in pure spiritual knowledge
Like when a small child in cradle cries, the mother immediately goes & pacifies him… Similarly, whenever our mind creates a negative thought or emotion, let’s talk with it quickly & resolve the issue!
The mind is just like a little child… Hence, let’s take this child to it’s Supreme Father frequently (i.e., meditate!), which keeps us full of true happiness!
Relationship with the Supreme
When our relationship with God is strong, we keep remembering Him frequently… This keeps us filled with His divine love, hence we naturally keep sharing this love with all, leading to beautiful relations with all!
Hence, let’s enhance our relationship with the Supreme… By:
- Listening to what He has to say… (in His direct elevated versions, i.e., Murli class)
- Keep talking to Him about our life, schedule, appointments, interactions, etc
- Remembering the various times He has helped us during times of need
- etc
Indeed, let’s join all relationships with God… i.e., make Him our Mother, Father, Teacher, Satguru, Friend, Brother, Beloved and even Son!
Conclusion (Building Harmonious Relationships)
Hence this time on International Day of Families, let’s establish a strong relationship with the Self & Supreme, to remain full of the experience of our original virtues of peace love & joy… Which automatically start flowing naturally in all our other relations, making them sparkle with the virtues of love trust & respect (i.e., relations become very beautiful!)… Hence, this harmony in relationships with all will bring the harmonious land Satyuga once again!
Om Shanti!
Thanks for reading this article on ‘Building Harmonious Relationships | Happy International Day of Families quotes’
You might also wish to read my articles on:
- Global Parents Day (1st June)
- Mother’s Day (2nd Sunday of May)
- Father’s Day (3rd Sunday of June)
- Friendship Day (1st Sunday of August)
- Teachers Day (5th September)
- Valentine’s Day (14th February)

Sabasss virallllll
Vasudeva kudumbakam.
Will try to implement in day to day with every interaction I have with the people around ! Om shanti !