Experiencing God as Supreme Best Friend | Happy Friendship Day Wishes quotes
We celebrate the 1st Sunday of August as Happy Friendship Day. Hence, alongwith wishing our friends around, let’s also take a moment now to wish a very very Happy Friendship Day to God, our eternal best friend!
It’s seen that friendship is easy between similar people i.e., those with the same age, college, profession, hobby, etc. Hence, the friendship between me & God is very natural since both of us are souls i.e., energies having the same original qualities of purity, peace, love, happiness & having the same aim of benefitting the world!
A friend is one who’s always available for us, to talk to anytime. In fact, we share all our life’s talk with our best friend. And God is that faithful friend who’ll never disclose our talks to anyone, who never judges or criticizes us. Further, unlike any human, He can stay with us 24×7. Hence, let’s take advantage of this special opportunity and keep talking with Him about our life, schedule, work, interactions, thoughts, feelings, etc. This is one of the easiest methods of remaining connected to Him, through which we also remain open to receiving His guidance & experiencing His subtle support at every step.
It’s said that as is the company we keep, so we become (jaisa sang, vaisa rang). Hence, when we remain in the elevated company of the Supreme, we automatically experience His powerful vibrations of purity & peace, His unconditional love ❤️acceptance encouragement & elevated vision for us, His soothing presence making us free of worries, elevated personality of purity & His ever-giving compassionate merciful nature. Indeed, being in the company of God shifts our frequency to a very high level, much higher above the pull of limits & negative emotions & waste thoughts, and deep in the pure experience of supersensuous joy & bliss.
Like when we go near the Ocean ?, we automatically experience it’s cool soothing & refreshing breeze ☄️ without any effort. Similarly going near God, the Ocean of all virtues, automatically makes us experience His divine virtues of peace love & joy without effort!
The best part is when we make God our best friend, everyone whom we meet also start becoming our best friend. Since when we remain coloured in His divine company, we automatically share our attainments with all, our elevated state of mind & environment comforts everyone around, we see everyone as divine souls radiating pure energy to them, see specialities, are able to accept all, have the feeling of oneness unity & cooperation with all, etc.
Further, this elevated state of mind greatly boosts our work efficiency, emerges creativity & naturally enhances our skills, talents & capacity.
Conclusion (Happy Friendship Day Wishes quotes)
Hence, when we become dear to God, we automatically become dear to ourselves & to the whole world. And these blessings from all act like a lift which pushes our state of mind even further upwards. Hence, this balance of self-efforts & blessings helps us maintain an elevated state throughout even while working & in interactions, naturally inspiring others around to do the same. Hence, making God our best friend helps us contribute to His divine task of world transformation, bringing closer everyone’s dream of seeing the Perfect Divine Land, the illustrious Golden Age Satyuga once again!
Om Shanti!
Meditation Commentary (Happy Friendship Day Wishes quotes)
I the pure soul… Point of light… Full of peace, love & joy
Remembering my Best Friend God… Who’s with me always… Filling me with joy & happiness
I talk with Him… Listen to His divine knowledge... Get filled with supersensuous bliss
I remember the wonderful memories with Him… My wonderful companion… Am indeed very very fortunate
Will keep sharing this love with all… Illuminating their lives.. Creating a better new world… Om Shanti!
Let’s also experience God as the Supreme Friend, Brother, Mother, Father, Teacher, Satguru & Beloved
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