A life of belonging to God! | Eternal happiness, Belonging to God!
Although we’ve understood happiness lies in creating the right thoughts, but actually being able to create the right thoughts in practical always is an art!
Hence, while on our own we may go through ups & downs… Following God’s elevated directions (which are most scientific & practical) very naturally keeps our stage nice & elevated throughout the day!
- Listening to God’s elevated versions (i.e., Murli class) at the Centre daily … Since it’s the most elevated source of information available, thus leading to elevated thoughts hence happiness
- Remember Him (i.e., Rajyoga Meditation), which results in a transfer of spiritual energy from Him to us… This acts like recharging of our battery (i.e., empowers the soul) which makes everything easy!
- Looking at virtues of every soul, keeping attention on our thoughts, taking few minutes silence breaks in between, giving a daily report to God every night, etc… Are other small but very very useful ways which significantly help maintain an elevated stage always!
Benefits (Eternal Happiness, Belonging to God!)
Indeed, these make our life very rich & fulfilling… And also benefits everyone around, hence we earn their blessings at every step!
And following God’s elevated directions feels as if God’s loving canopy of protection is upon us, we’re walking hand in hand, & He’s responsible… Just like a small child crossing the road, alone he may fear a lot… But with his hand in parent’s hand, he crosses the traffic (i.e., situations) very playfully!
Conclusion (Eternal Happiness, Belonging to God!)
Hence, let’s always keep our hand in God’s hand i.e., keep following His elevated directions at every step… To remain protected, happy & successful always, in every moment of life!
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Previous Post: Purity, the mother of happiness! | Purity for true happiness!
As part of our series on ‘How to be happy always‘