Spiritual Inspirations from Voting | Essay on National Voters Day

Spiritual Inspirations from Voting | Essay on National Voters Day

January 25th is celebrated as National Voters’ Day in India… Hence today, let’s take some wonderful spiritual inspirations from voting! ?

An illustrious life!

To vote, we need to press the button on the machine… Hence, let’s press the button of elevated thoughts, to instantly experience an elevated state of mind!

This time, mobiles have been dis-allowed in the voting area… Similarly, let’s dis-allow waste & negative thoughts!


  • Let’s note the good deeds by others
  • to give a vote of thanks to them,
  • & remain in the boat of blessings of the Divine!

Voting Day is a public holiday… Hence today alongwith just temporary entertainment, let’s also chose to increase our permanent happiness, by listening to spiritual sessions!

Experiencing the Supreme!

Everyone has a right to vote… Similarly, everyone has a right to experience peace, love & joy from the Supreme!

Before voting, we require a Voter ID card… Similarly for experiencing the Supreme, we first need to connect our frequency to Him, by considering ourselves a soul!

Although those below 18 years of age can’t vote.. Here, even a child can connect to the Supreme, by creating a few right thoughts, like:

  • I’m a Peaceful (or loveful, happy) Soul
  • I’m child of the Ocean of Peace
  • His vibrations of peace are reaching out to me
  • I’m getting filled with God’s peace, sharing with all!

This time, we’ll get a receipt after voting… Similarly, the proof we’ve made an accurate connection to the Supreme is a feeling of much much increased energy, lightness & joy throughout the day!

There’re numerous voting booths established… Similarly, God has established numerous of His Rajyoga Meditation Centres very close to us, the pure environment of which makes it very easy to connect to Him, & become full of divine virtues & powers!

Voting is private… Similarly, even our connection with God is personal, direct & dynamic… Particularly at this auspicious Confluence Age (this short time between end of Kaliyuga & start of Satyuga, when God Himself descends!)

Our divine selection!

Political leaders are elected… But here, God has selected us!… For His most illustrious task of transforming humans to deities, & thereby the world from Kaliyuga to the divine land Satyuga once again!

Elected representatives have a term of 5 years, & can also be removed earlier in exceptional circumstances… But here, God has selected & made us His for a lifetime!… Such a great fortune!

Good candidates always remember their responsibilities after being elected… Hence, even we have the responsibility to share our divine experiences & attainments with all our brother souls… Thereby, help them too connect directly to their Supreme Father & become full of all attainments once again!

Conclusion (Spiritual Inspirations from Voting)

Hence today, considering God Himself has selected us… Let us also vote in favour of God, by listening to His spiritual knowledge & meditating, to become full of His divine virtues & powers… Then, let’s keep sharing this with all through our sweet words & royal behavior, inspiring their elevated transformation too, thus helping bring the divine land Satyuga once again!

Om Shanti!

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2 Replies to “Spiritual Inspirations from Voting | Essay on National Voters Day”

  1. Brilliant Article Viral bhai I liked this Article very much its Super awesome ??????????☺❤❤?‍♀️?‍♀️you nailed it ?om shaanti

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