Spiritual Inspirations from Dr. Ambedkar | Happy Dr BR Ambedkar Jayanti Wishes
14th April is Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Jayanti. Hence, let’s take some wonderful spiritual inspirations from Dr. Ambedkar.
Spiritual Inspirations from Dr. Ambedkar
Dr. Ambedkar was awarded with doctorate degree… Similarly, let’s become a doctorate (i.e., expert) in maintaining an elevated state of mind always!
Dr. Ambedkar was responsible in creating the Constitution… Similarly, let’s create a Constitution of the mind, of remaining happy always irrespective of challenges outside!
Dr. Ambedkar was also an expert in economics… Hence, let’s earn the income of blessings from all, by serving them with a lot of love!
Dr. Ambedkar did a lot of work for India… Hence, let’s continue illuminating our nation, by becoming pure & divine like deities!… And achieving true independence from within!
Dr. Ambedkar used to study in the night with very little light of a lantern.. Similarly, let’s have full respect for our studies… And also our spiritual study!
The Magic of Spirituality
Dr. Ambedkar was a visionary.. Similarly, let’s accept God‘s divine vision for us, of becoming a deity!
Dr. Ambedkar rose to great heights despite all odds… Similarly, let’s realize that each one of us is also very special, having tremendous potential to illuminate the lives of all!
Dr. Ambedkar was called Babasaheb… Hence, let’s remember the eternal Saheb God in meditation, to become full of His divine virtues & powers!
Dr. Ambedkar was an educationist, his birthday being celebrated as Knowledge Day in Maharashtra… Hence, let’s inculcate spiritual knowledge in our life, to very easily overcome all small & big challenges that come up in life!
Untouchability was a major issue during those times… Hence, let’s develop a soul-conscious drishti for all, that we’re all souls children of One Supreme Father, hence are one… To go beyond all limited differences!
Conclusion (Dr. Ambedkar Jayanti Wishes
Hence today, let’s remain in the awareness of being a pure divine soul & connect to the Supreme Saheb God to remain full & complete of His divine powers… Then, let’s keep sharing these treasures of peace love & joy freely with everyone around, hence become instrumental in bringing the divine land Satyuga once again!
Om Shanti!
Let’s also spiritual inspirations from Indian States & Cities, Republic Day, Independence Day & Gandhi Jayanti
Let’s also take some inspirations from Shivaji & Buddha Purnima
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