The attitude of gratitude is one of the easiest ways to think positive.
We can experience gratitude at every stage of the day:
- After waking up, thanks for a wonderful new day
- Before meals; thanks to God, farmers & everyone involved in bringing this food to me
- Whenever meeting someone, thanks for their help & support always
- When using objects, thanks for their utility always
- Before sleeping, thanks for a lovely day
There are numerous more aspects we can feel thankful about:
- Thanks to God for everything
- Thanks to the mind body & all organs, for being there always
- Thanks to our parents, family, teachers, friends, colleagues, neighbors, etc for their invaluable role in our lives
- Thanks to those who gave our 1st job, helped us during important milestones of life, etc
- Thanks to the past, for all the good & favourable incidents
Benefits of Gratitude:
- It’s one of the easiest techniques of remaining happy
- It’s a way to see the positive side of things, hence keeps us content
- Radiates positive vibrations towards whom we’re grateful, making our relations beautiful
Hence, let’s keep emerged the attitude of gratitude the whole day today! And don’t forget to share your experiences in the comments below!
In fact, would highly recommend listing down 10-15 points which you personally feel grateful about in your life. It’ll be a wonderful experience, I assure you!
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As part of our ‘Positive Thinking‘ series
Thank you for sharing positivity, love, peace and joy through such beautiful writings ?❤️