Accepting People’s Behaviour
One of the major causes of sorrow today is people’s words & behaviour. Hence let’s overcome this, by creating thoughts like:
- They must have had a bad day, it’s not their fault
- They’re in more pain
- What they said was outside, but what goes on inside me (i.e., my thoughts & feelings) is entirely my creation & choice
- I can protect myself from their influence, they can’t!
- Let me share peace & love with them, through my stability & peace
- They’re not saying to me, just reflecting their inner disturbed state of mind
- I don’t want the situation to escalate… Hence, I withdraw since a clap ? requires both hands (i.e., a conflict requires both!)
Conclusion (Accepting People’s Behaviour)
Hence let’s shift from influence & blame, to stability & support… Thus creating a life of peace, love & harmony!
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