नये साल की खूब बधाईयां
मनाए आज ढेर खुशियां
पुरानी बातों को देकर विदाई, नये आशाओं की करे बधाई
नव वर्ष में बनाये नया जीवन, सुख-शान्ति-प्रेम से भरा हो अन्तरमन
श्रेष्ठ कर्मों द्वारा मिटाए सबकी परेशानीयां
(नये साल की खूब बधाईयां, मनाए आज ढेर खुशियां)
सजाये स्वयं को दिव्यगुणों के श्रृंगार, करे सभी का धन्यवाद
मनाये सबसे मंगल मिलन, दे शुभ भावनाओं की सौगात
सफलता की पाए सब ऊँचाइयां
(नये साल की खूब बधाईयां, मनाए आज ढेर खुशियां)
ज्ञान-अमृत से होके लवलीन, बांटे सबको दिलखुश मिठाई
खेले ईश्वर संग सर्व-सम्बंधों की रास, गाए प्रभु के दिव्य गुणगान
नव युग की धारण करे दिव्यता
(नये साल की खूब बधाईयां, मनाए आज ढेर खुशियां)
Poem – संतोष सबसे बड़ा है धन
Poem – संतोष सबसे बड़ा है धन
पायी सन्तुष्टता की सर्वश्रेष्ठ पूँजी, जो है सर्व दिव्यगुणों की कुंजी
संतोष सबसे बड़ा है धन, जो तृप्त कर देता अन्तर्मन
सन्तुष्टता से आती प्रसन्नता, सदा वो रहता मुस्कराता
उसका दिल सदा गाता गीत, बनता वह सबका मीत
जिसकी दिव्य सुगंध से महक उठा मन उपवन
(संतोष सबसे बड़ा है धन, जो तृप्त कर देता अन्तर्मन)
संतोष गुण है सबसे मनभावन, बरसाता सबपे सुख सावन
सन्तुष्टता ऐसी है शक्ति, सर्व बातों को जो सहज कर सकती
जिससे आती वाणी में मधुरता, दिव्य बनते हर कर्म
(संतोष सबसे बड़ा है धन, जो तृप्त कर देता अन्तर्मन)
सर्व प्राप्तियों से आती सन्तुष्टता, जिसके लिए जोड़े प्रभु से मित्रता
पाए उनसे सर्व सम्बंधों का सुख, सीखे कैसे रहें सदा खुश
ईश्वरीय ज्ञान–योग से बना मन सुमन, शुद्ध संकल्पों में करता अब रमण
(संतोष सबसे बड़ा है धन, जो तृप्त कर देता अन्तर्मन)
Also read:
- The Apple ? of my Eye ?️ – Short Poem
- Short Poem – The Art ? of Happiness
- Short Poem – The power of Peace
- कविता – करना हमें मन को सम्पूर्ण आजाद!
- पवित्रता की खुशबू ने मन को है महाकाया
Thanks for reading this poem on ‘संतोष सबसे बड़ा है धन’
Poem – दिव्यगुणों से सजाकर बनाया बेहद हसीन
Poem – दिव्यगुणों से सजाकर बनाया बेहद हसीन
ओ मेरे प्रभु
इस विश्व-नाटक में बनाया हमें हीरो-हीरोइन
दिव्यगुणों से सजाकर बनाया बेहद हसीन
दृष्टि में है सौम्यता, वाणी में मधुरता; कर्म में दिव्यता, व्यवहार में रॉयल्टी
वृत्ति बनाकर विशाल, संकल्प किये उदार; सम्बन्ध बने मीठे, सम्पर्क में आई सन्तुष्टी
इत्र सा चरित्र महकाकर, खिलाया हमें रूहानी कली
(दिव्यगुणों से सजाकर बनाया बेहद हसीन… इस विश्व-नाटक में बनाया हमें हीरो-हीरोइन)
दिव्य स्मृति से बनी खुशनुमः स्थिति; चेहरा है हर्षित, चलन अलौकिक
समझ की गहराई ने बनाया रहमदिल; मन है सुगंधित, दिव्य है बुद्धि
रूहानी जादूगर ने गुण-शक्तियों की ऐसी करी जादूगरी
(दिव्यगुणों से सजाकर बनाया बेहद हसीन… इस विश्व-नाटक में बनाया हमें हीरो-हीरोइन)
संस्कारों के परिवर्तन ने बनाया, फरिश्ता वा परियों सा वर्तन
आत्म–रियलाइजेशन ने किया पवित्रता-सुख-शान्ति सम्पन्न
अपनी किस्मत के क्या कहने, स्वयं भगवान् बना जीवन साथी
(दिव्यगुणों से सजाकर बनाया बेहद हसीन… इस विश्व-नाटक में बनाया हमें हीरो-हीरोइन)
Also read:
- The Apple ? of my Eye ?️ – Short Poem
- Short Poem – The Art ? of Happiness
- Short Poem – The power of Peace
- कविता – करना हमें मन को सम्पूर्ण आजाद!
- पवित्रता की खुशबू ने मन को है महाकाया
Thanks for reading this poem on ‘दिव्यगुणों से सजाकर बनाया बेहद हसीन’
How to overcome Ego | 5 Thoughts for overcoming Ego
How to overcome Ego | 5 Thoughts for overcoming Ego
Ego is one of the major reasons of conflict & disharmony… Hence let’s overcome Ego, by remembering thoughts like:
- Any success is a result of 2 factors – Personal efforts & Nature’s gifts (incl. support of others)… Focusing on gratitude for these gifts keeps us egoless
- Indeed, we’re unique … Many are yearning for the naturally gifted skills & talents we possess!
- Ego is fuelled by looking at defects in others… Hence, a strong practice of looking at specialities & giving good wishes finishes Ego!
- The virtues of unity, co-operation & teamwork are the antidote to ego
- Remaining in the awareness of being God’s child (or God’s instrument!) naturally keeps us egoless
- We know what we were before, & all that we have become now is only because of the knowledge & senior’s help… Hence, Ego is actually never possible!
Conclusion (How to overcome Ego)
Hence, let’s inculcate self-respect which instantly finishes Ego… And keep sharing love & respect with all, helping create a happier new world!
Let’s also learn how to overcome Expectations, Desires, Comparison, Competition, Hurry, Hurt, Jealousy, Guilt, Addictions, Anger, Greed & Fear
Thanks for reading this article on ‘How to overcome Ego | 5 Thoughts for overcoming Ego’
दिवाली स्पेशल Poem – आओ जलाये यह शुभ संकल्पों का दिया
दिवाली स्पेशल Poem – आओ जलाये यह शुभ संकल्पों का दिया
आओ जलाये यह शुभ संकल्पों का दिया
सबको देेते रहे, ऐसा बनना हमे दिया
बांटे ढे़र सारी खुशियां
करके पुरानी बातों की सफाई, करे सुख-शान्ति की कमाई
बांटे मधुरता की दिलखुश मिठाई, सबमें निर्मल-प्रेम रहे स्थाई
हर संकल्प में हो नवीनता
(बांटे ढे़र सारी खुशियां…. आओ जलाये यह शुभ संकल्पों का दिया)
फैलाए नई आशाओं का प्रकाश, उमंगों से स्वागत करे नया साल
करके दिव्य गुण-शक्तियों का आह्वान, जीवन में लाये दिव्यता सदाकाल
हर कर्म में हो शुद्धता
(बांटे ढे़र सारी खुशियां…. आओ जलाये यह शुभ संकल्पों का दिया)
सजाए उमंग-उत्साह की रंगोली, मनाएं सुख-आनंद की आतिशबाजी
सबके जीवन में सदा हो लाभ, हर दिन बने दिवाली सा त्योहार
फिर से लाये नई स्वर्णिम दुनिया
(बांटे ढे़र सारी खुशियां…. आओ जलाये यह शुभ संकल्पों का दिया)
Thanks for reading this poem on ‘दिवाली स्पेशल Poem – आओ जलाये यह शुभ संकल्पों का दिया’
Going Beyond Complaints | 5 Thoughts to overcome Complaints | How to overcome Complaints
Going Beyond Complaints | 5 Thoughts to overcome Complaints | How to overcome Complaints
Complaining drains our energy, keeps us sad & affects our relations… Hence, let’s overcome complaints by remembering thoughts like:
Continue reading “Going Beyond Complaints | 5 Thoughts to overcome Complaints | How to overcome Complaints”Our Thoughts, the Foundation of Relationships!
Our thoughts – the foundation of relationships
Alongwith words & actions, our thoughts also influence our relationships.. Indeed, thoughts are the foundation of relationships!
Continue reading “Our Thoughts, the Foundation of Relationships!”How to send healing energy to COVID-19 patients
How to send healing energy to COVID-19 patients
With the emergence of COVID-19, we are facing unprecedented times of challenge. Today, on request of one of our readers, specially publishing this article on how exactly to send healing energy to COVID-19 patients.
It’s the property of all types of energy (e.g., sound energy, magnetic energy, etc); that energy always vibrates… Similarly, thought is also energy, which has vibrations… And as is the quality of thought we create for someone, so is the energy which reaches them!
So, giving energy just means creating very elevated thoughts & vibrations (e.g., relating to love, compassion, God’s love, etc), which automatically radiates very powerful & positive vibrations towards them, helping significantly speed the healing process..
Some also use visualisation techniques alongwith (e.g., seeing them getting filled with the light of God’s love & purity, etc)… It has amazing results
God’s energy?
And when we say God’s energy, it’s important to understand one point..
Just like transmitting electricity from one wire to another requires us to remove the rubber coating… Similarly, we first need to rise above the coating of body-consciousness, to be able to connect to that high-frequency energy.
In simple terms… This just means considering ourself a tiny point of light soul (different from the body; & originally full of peace, love, joy & power)… And remembering the Supreme Soul (another point of light, but Ocean of all virtues)… This awareness pulls the current of immense spiritual energy from God; & then when we just remember someone, it reaches them!
Meditation Commentary (How to send healing energy)
I the being… Originally full of pure, peaceful & loving energy… A tiny point of light in the centre of the forehead
Child of the Ocean of all Powers God… His soothing vibrations of love & peace are reaching me… I’m becoming full of His divine energy
I remember the souls in need; the energy immediately starts reaching them… I remain connected with the eternal source above, & my true non-physical awareness within… Being a channel for transmitting healing energy… Maintaining this awareness for as long as possible… Om Shanti!
Thanks for reading this article on ‘How to send healing energy to COVID-19 patients’
More COVID-19 articles:
In this blog, you may also find:
- Very short posts on practical topics in series How to be happy always, Positive Thinking, etc
- Spiritual inspirations from the various International Days
Let’s also understand the spiritual significance of Diwali, Holi, Raksha Bandhan, Mahashivratri, Ganesh Chaturthi, Janmashtami, Navratri, Dussehra, Gudi Padwa, Gita Jayanti, Ram Navami, Hanuman Jayanti… And Guru Purnima, Buddha Purnima, Mahavir Jayanti, Vallabhacharya Jayanti, Jalaram Jayanti
Special Article for COVID-19 ICU Doctors
Special Article for COVID-19 ICU Doctors
Although this Corona situation is something no one likes, a great positive is the emergence of our wonderful Corona warriors i.e., our doctors, nurses, paramedical staff, etc… Who’ve been working day & night for the benefit of us all!
This article aims to address some of the challenges being faced by them… & provide simple, practical & customized solutions!
And before beginning,
This is for you, on behalf of all the patients & their families… Thank you very much, for your tireless efforts!
Your skills & talents also ought to be appreciated, that’s why the hospital has trusted you with this very important duty!
A new perspective!
We understand the scenario is quite tricky (working in COVID ICU)… But looking in a slightly holistic way (keeping the society in mind), your work is actually a very pious & divine act of seva in these critical times… Lots of congratulations for it, am sure you must be earning lots & lots of blessings as a result!
This shift in perspective immediately provides a soothing effect!
Overcoming challenges
The 1st concern is your personal safety… And we’re sure as part of the protocol (gloves, masks, gowns, etc), it’s being taken full care of!
And regarding the important concern of family safety (since we’re traveling to & from hospital), even here there’ll be best practices (e.g., taking bath, etc)… You know these points better than us!
On that note, this Q&A talk by Dr Mohit Gupta from Delhi on being a COVID-19 doctor, is very reassuring & helpful (if you get time)
Stress management
The main issue is likely to be high stress levels connected with the duty (pain, fear, emergency scenarios, death, etc)… I feel the only solution (after exploring many options), is enhancing inner strength through meditation; even if for just 15-20 minutes before entering ICU… And even if during traveling!
Sister Shivani‘s wonderful 5-minute meditation will help! (also 9 & 15-minute meditations):
Meditation truly feels a must in these times of pressure, to protect from burnout stress & ensure inner comfort… And also to ensure we can maintain our high standards, decision-making capacity & efficiency for the benefit of our patients!
The daily routine!
I tried putting myself in your shoes, & visualised a typical ICU day… Sharing some ideas based on it!
We get 30 seconds when moving from one ward to the next… A good idea would be to immediately connect to the peace within; (by feeling the thought I’m Peace); just simple relaxation of thoughts… Might sound too simple, but it really has a significant cumulative beneficial effect (you won’t be tired even at the end of day!)
And after completing the round (if free for a minute), just this awareness of being distinct from the body:
I’m the Master… The energy using this body… I’m in control… Full of peace & power…
God’s with me… His vibrations of peace & power are with me… Healing vibrations of peace are spreading all around from me… Filling the whole ICU… Benefitting all patients & staff
This will recharge! You may also benefit from these wonderful 1-minute meditations!
Time at home!
And of course, if you have time at home… Listening to profound empowering positive content for 15-20 minutes daily is a great idea… Since it makes the entire day much easier!
The recent Medical Wing sessions are really good for this purpose!
Of course, just sharing some tips which could help, based on my experiences… Nothing hard & fast!… We understand you’re in quite a crunch at this point..
Conclusion (Special Article for COVID-19 ICU Doctors)
So, alongwith continuing the really excellent job you’ve been doing (many thanks again for it!)… Let’s also spare few minutes daily for empowering ourself with inner strength through meditation… This’ll further enhance our quality of decisions / treatment of patients, & even better it’ll keep us tireless & full of energy the whole day… Enabling us to continue earning lots of blessings from all, helping create a better new world again!
Om Shanti!
Thanks for reading this ‘Special Article for COVID-19 ICU Doctors’
In this blog, you may also find:
- Very short posts on practical topics in series How to be happy always, Positive Thinking, etc
- Spiritual inspirations from the various International Days
Let’s also understand the spiritual significance of Diwali, Holi, Raksha Bandhan, Mahashivratri, Ganesh Chaturthi, Janmashtami, Navratri, Dussehra, Gudi Padwa, Gita Jayanti, Ram Navami, Hanuman Jayanti… And Guru Purnima, Buddha Purnima, Mahavir Jayanti, Vallabhacharya Jayanti, Jalaram Jayanti
Coping with Death of Loved One | How to cope with someone’s death | Coping with Death anxiety
Coping with Death of Loved One | How to cope with someone’s death | Coping with Death anxiety
Note: We understand it’s perhaps the greatest loss which could be faced by anyone… Hence, while it might seem easy to write or speak on this topic, we understand it’s not easy… This article just aims to help cope with death of loved one, so that we can give justice to those around us & ourself, & also be able to send the right energy to the departed soul (which helps them in their journey ahead)
Continue reading “Coping with Death of Loved One | How to cope with someone’s death | Coping with Death anxiety”