A cheerful personality! | How to be cheerful | Cheerful quotes
Contentment inside automatically results in cheerfulness outside… Which has numerous benefits:
Continue reading “A cheerful personality! | How to be cheerful | Cheerful quotes”A cheerful personality! | How to be cheerful | Cheerful quotes
Contentment inside automatically results in cheerfulness outside… Which has numerous benefits:
Continue reading “A cheerful personality! | How to be cheerful | Cheerful quotes”Going Beyond Comparison | How to stop comparing yourself to others
Comparing with others is the easiest way to become unhappy
Hence, let’s overcome comparison, by remembering thoughts like:
Hence let’s adopt the virtues of self-respect, gratitude & contentment to become free from comparison… Thereby, keep experiencing an elevated state of mind & continued progress at every step always!
Let’s also learn how to overcome Expectations, Desires, Comparison, Competition, Hurry, Hurt, Jealousy, Guilt, Addictions, Anger, Greed & Fear
Thanks for reading this article on ‘Going Beyond Comparison | How to stop comparing yourself to others’
Previous Post: Going Beyond Desires | How to overcome Desires | How to control Desires
As part of our series on ‘How to be happy always‘
Going Beyond Desires | How to overcome Desires | How to control Desires
Desires means “I’ll happy after I get this”, hence right now I’m not happy!
Contentment, the king of all virtues | Benefits of Contentment | Contentment quotes
Contentment is the king of all virtues, since it automatically brings all other virtues alongwith… e.g., cheerfulness, smiling face, calmness, sweetness, lightness, etc
And contentment has numerous benefits:
Continue reading “Contentment, the king of all virtues | Benefits of Contentment | Contentment quotes”Wonderful news! My 15th article has been published in ‘The World Renewal‘ magazine.
Topic: Wishing a very Happy National Science Day (28th February)
A wonderful article on the inter-play between Science & Spirituality!
As you know, ‘The World Renewal’ is a renowned international spiritual magazine (monthly) by the Brahma Kumaris, with more than 2 lakh copies posted monthly worldwide!
Please find the published article below:
You may also wish to have a look at all my 29 articles published in ‘The World Renewal‘!
6 Thoughts on Going Beyond Hurt | How to overcome Hurt feelings
Hence, let’s overcome hurt! … By remembering:
Hence let’s overcome hurt… To remain happy always & keep sharing happiness with all!
Thanks for reading this article on ‘6 Thoughts on Going Beyond Hurt | How to overcome Hurt feelings’
Previous Post: 5 Thoughts on how to overcome Expectations | Going Beyond Expectations
As part of our series on ‘How to be happy always‘
5 Thoughts on how to overcome Expectations | Going Beyond Expectations
Expectations just means “I’ll be happy, if you do this”… Hence otherwise, I’m unhappy & you’re the cause of my pain!
Hence while it might seem normal to expect, it actually introduces a dependency within, hence doesn’t allow us to remain happy always!
We can overcome expectations, by remembering thoughts like:
Hence, let’s shift from expectations to acceptance, to experience a life of peace & happiness always!
Thanks for reading this article on ‘5 Thoughts on how to overcome Expectations | Going Beyond Expectations’
Previous Post: The beauty of a smiling face! | Benefits of Smiling | Always Keep Smiling
As part of our series on ‘How to be happy always’
The beauty of a smiling face! | Benefits of Smiling | Always Keep Smiling
When we’re happy & content within, it automatically results in a smiling face outside!
Hence, let’s adorn this decoration of a genuine smiling face… Which has numerous benefits:
Hence as is said, a smile is one curve that sets everything straight… Thus let’s keep smiling always, to make our life easy, simple & beautiful at every step!
Thanks for reading this article on ‘The beauty of a smiling face! | Benefits of Smiling | Always Keep Smiling’
Previous Post: Going Beyond Competition | 6 Thoughts on how to overcome Competition
As part of our series on ‘How to be happy always‘
You might also like to read further on the virtues of peace, happiness, gratitude, contentment, purity, innocence, smiling face, cheerfulness, sweetness, positivity, self respect, giving, appreciation, looking at virtues, co-operation, having good wishes, forgiveness, mercy & non-violence!
You may also like to see a comprehensive list of virtues (Total 131 virtues), organised in a very neat & easy-to-understand manner!
Going Beyond Competition | 6 Thoughts on how to overcome Competition
The feeling of competition creates a lot of stress (infact, it’s the easiest way to experience stress!)… Hence, let’s overcome competition, by remembering thoughts like:
Hence, let’s compete with ourselves, thus keep increasing our capacity & efficiency!
Thanks for reading this article on ‘Going Beyond Competition | 6 Thoughts on how to overcome Competition’
Previous Post: The Art of Appreciation | Appreciation for good work
As part of our series on ‘How to be happy always‘
The Art of Appreciation | Appreciation for good work
It just means appreciating others for even small steps of progress, success, etc
It has numerous benefits:
Continue reading “The Art of Appreciation | Appreciation for good work”